Program and Calibrate Volumetrics - Slayer Steam X

Program and Calibrate Volumetrics - Slayer Steam X

Program and Calibrate Slayer Steam X Volumetrics

  1. 10 minutes
  1. Espresso Scale 
Calibrating volumetrics requires considerate espresso preparation.  External factors such as coffee, dose, and tamp equally contribute to the quality of extractions, volumetric repeatability, and are recommended to be examined for consistency before proceeding. 

Factory settings or previously programed volumetrics may not yield consistent results when adjusting recipes. Volumetrics rely on water measured through the flowmeter and retained puck saturation to replicate programed ShotsThis is defined by three different measurements:
  1. Volume of water it takes to fill the headspace (water from the puck surface up to the dispersion screen).
  2. Average volume of water left behind in a saturated puck.
  3. Released water through the three way valve at the end of the extraction.
Slayer Steam X and Steam LP feature two (2) programmable shot volumes for each group: Shot 1 and Shot 2. Also known as Position 1 and Position 2, respectively.

Depending on the firmware version of your Slayer Steam and Steam X. Shot 1 and Shot 2 may be referred to as Dose A and Dose B, OR Single and Double respectively. To upgrade your firmware and to inquire about available retrofit hardware. Please contact

Step 1: Program Volumetrics

Brew Volumes are factory set at 30g (Shot 1) and 60g (Shot 2). 
  1. Press the encoder knob on group you aim to program and enter the menu.
  2. Rotate the encoder knob until Brew Volume appears.
  3. Select Brew Volume setting. 
  4. Rotate encoder knob to adjust the shot volume for Shot 1 in tenth-gram (0.1-gram) increments: clockwise rotations increase dose; counter-clockwise rotations decrease the dose.
  5. Press encoder knob to confirm your new setting and proceed. A prompt will appear to apply your new setting to all groups.
    1. Rotate encoder knob to cycle between No and Yes. Selecting No will apply your new setting to the designated group only; selecting Yes will apply your setting to all groups.
  6. Press encoder knob to confirm your new setting and proceed to the next shot volume; the option to adjust Shot 2 will be presented.
    1. Repeat previous steps at each group, individually, to configure shot doses for each group head.
Step 2: Volumetric Verification

With a scale, prepare espresso and pull extraction on recently programmed volumetric setting. If the desired yield does not match the programed setting within +/- 2 grams. You will need to calibrate your flowmeter. 

Step 3: Flowmeter Calibration

Flowmeter offsets are set at 35.5g at the factory. This number represents a base value. 
Example: If your desired yield is 40g and you consistently extract 38g as measured by a scale yet your programmed Flowmeter Offset is set to 35.5.  Adjust the Flowmeter Offset by 2g. The Flowmeter Offset will now be 37.5g.
  1. Press and hold the encoder knob above the left, Group 1, group head for five (5) seconds to activate the Advanced Menu options.
  2. Rotate the encoder knob until Flowmeter Calibrate appears. 
  3. Press encoder knob to enter setting.
    1. Adjust this value up or down as detailed in the example above.
  4. Once value is set, press the encoder knob to save. A prompt will appear to save for Group 2 and Group 3 (if applicable).
    1. Repeat previous steps at each group, individually, to configure flowmeter offsets for each group head.
  5. Press encoder knob to confirm and save the settings.
  6. Actuate group or press and hold encoder knob to return to the barista dashboard,
Prepare and pull an espresso with a scale. The extraction should now match the desired yield as observed by a scale within +/- 2 grams. If additional calibration is required, return to step 3.

For additional user interface information. Please consult the User Manual or reach out to us.

Questions or concerns? Please contact:

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