Program & Calibrate Volumetrics - Steam EP

Program & Calibrate Volumetrics - Steam EP

Program, Calibrate, & Troubleshoot Steam EP Volumetrics
Pre-Wet, Hold, & Pulse Count

Designed with the needs of the modern specialty cafe in mind, Steam EP was made for coffee people, by coffee people.

Each button is intuitively programable to a numerical value (pulses) between 25 and 1000. With an espresso scale, follow the guide below to program Brew Volume recipes, dial in Pre-Wet, and accurately calibrate measured yields.

  1. 10 minutes
  1. Espresso Scale
  2. Vessel
Calibrating volumetrics requires considerate espresso preparation.  External factors such as coffee, dose, and tamp equally contribute to the quality of extractions, volumetric repeatability, and are recommended to be examined for consistency before proceeding. 

Factory settings or previously programed volumetrics may not yield consistent results when adjusting recipes. Volumetrics rely on water measured through the flowmeter and retained puck saturation to replicate programed Shots. This is defined by three different measurements:
  1. Volume of water it takes to fill the headspace (water from the puck surface up to the dispersion screen).
  2. Average volume of water left behind in a saturated puck.
  3. Released water through the three way valve at the end of the extraction.
Barista Dashboard & Group Operation
  1. Encoder Knob
    1. Access menus and save settings during recipe development.
    2. Quick press accesses and saves settings.
    3. Long press exits menus and does not save settings.
  2. Group Buttons
    1. Single Press - Solid
    2. Double Press - Blinking
      1. Double pressing button ONE activates recipe THREE.
      2. Double pressing button TWO activates recipe FOUR.
    3. Group buttons may be programed from 25 - 1000 pulses.
    4. Scrolling down from 25 with the Encoder Knob sets the group button to M (manual dose).
  3. Display
    1. Barista Dashboard's unit of measurement is time in seconds.

Program & Calibrate Volumetrics:
SLAYER Steam EP features four (4) programable recipes per group. 

Volumetric Measurement Value: Pulses
  1. 10 pulses represent approximately 1 gram of espresso yield. 
Step 1: Program Volumetrics
  1. Gather tools: Vessel & Espresso Scale
  2. Prepare espresso with considerate puck preparation.
  3. Press Encoder Knob to enter <Menu> and scroll to Brew Volume Program Dose.
Menu prompt can 'time out' after a few seconds so do not hesitate to follow further instructions. Return to top of Step 1 if prompt times out.

  1. All group buttons will illuminate.
  2. Select group button you intend to program.

  1. Once selected the pulse prompt will appear.

  1. With an espresso prepared portafilter engaged in group.
  2. Press group button you intend to program.
  3. Pulse count will start from zero and begin counting.
  4. Observe espresso scale until desired yield is reached.
  5. Press button to manually end extraction.
Quick press Encoder Knob to save recipe.
  1. A prompt will appear asking to save to All Groups.
    1. Selecting YES saves recipe to the respecting button at each group.
    2. Selecting NO saves recipe to that group only.

Step 2: Volumetric Verification
  1. Continuing with an espresso scale.
  2. Pull a follow up shot by pressing the recently programed button.
  3. If the yield on the scale is less than +/- 1.5g of the expected recipe, as observed by the weight on the scale, then no further calibration is needed.
If the volumetric extraction falls outside the acceptable SLAYER Steam Series volumetric variance. Then a pulse adjustment is necessary.
  1. To make small adjustments to the recipe.
  2. Simply enter the <Menu> and scroll to Brew Volume Program Dose.
  3. Select the button for the recipe and using the Encoder Knob scroll to increase or decrease the pulse count.
Remember! 10 pulses represent approximately 1 gram of espresso yield. 

Step 3: Pre-Wet

Pre-Wet is the SLAYER Steam EP's unique brewing feature.  Programable for up to a 4 second dose and 4 second hold, the Pre-Wet feature introduces water to coffee at 9 bars of pressure and initially wetting the coffee before extraction continues.
  1. To program Pre-Wet press the Encoder Knob to enter the <Menu>.
  2. Scroll to Pre-Wet.
  3. Once selected, all group buttons will illuminate.

  1. Choose button you intend to program.
  2. A prompt will appear to adjust Pre-Wet and Hold.

  1. Quick press Encoder Knob to toggle from Pre-Wet to Hold.
    1. <> Indicate selection.
  2. Adjust to desired recipe.
  3. Quick press Encoder Knob to save settings.
Adjusting Pre-Wet does not affect Brew Volume Program Dose. While in Brew Volume Program Dose, you will see the pulse count stop during the Hold phase of the programed recipe. This indicates a pause in water through the flowmeter.

Puck Preparation:
Steam EP volumetrics are sensitive to external factors such as:
  1. Coffee
  2. Grind Particle Size
  3. Dose
  4. Tamp
In an effort to avoid chasing your tail when programing, calibrating, and troubleshooting volumetrics. Verify consistency of the factors listed above. Considerate puck preparation is imperative to both an intuitive programing process as well as diagnosing any mechanical faults.
While dialing in a new coffee or during recipe development. Dial in your coffee using a group button programed to M in addition to your desired Pre-Wet and Hold times. This will ensure the volumetric programing process does not overlap with the coffee dialing in process. 

Mechanical Faults:
AlertSLAYER recommends all service be performed by an experienced SLAYER Espresso trained technician. For a technician reference near you, please contact SLAYER Support at (206)-284-7171 (#1 in Directory) or email

Obstructions caused by poor water quality can accumulate in restriction areas along the brew hydraulic path. Most notably in the flowmeters which accurately register precise volumetrics. Symptoms include:
  1. Slow extractions.
  2. Inaccurate yields.
  3. Manually ending extractions despite programed group buttons.
  4. Pulse count does not register in Brew Volume Program Dose setting.
Preventative Maintenance can also affect volumetric accuracy. Expansion valves not replaced annually can fatigue and discharge water at lower pressures causing water to bypass coffee extraction.
Symptoms include:
  1. Fast extractions.
  2. Inaccurate yields.
  3. Squeaking sounds.

Questions or concerns? Please contact:

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