Replacing Slayer Steam Display Screens
Step 1: Turn off machine and unplug from power
We will need to “raise the hood” for the top cover. Lower the actuator handles, remove the screws that attach the top cover to the body, turn the steam wands and hot water wands to face the inside of the machine.
Raise the top cover of the machine
The display assembly is attached to the top cover. While holding the display assembly remove screws.
Remove the display assembly
Lay down some towels so you do not scratch the top polished panel. Turn the display over, remove the screws for back panel.
Remove each display by removing the 4 screws at each corner.
Notice the dip switches on each display. The groups are numbered from 1-3 left to right looking at the front. The disps witch with the corresponding number will need to be flipped to on position.
Make sure the correct cables are in the corresponding positions.
Re-attach the back panel of display assembly
Re-attach the display assembly to the top cover
Re-attach the top cover of machine
Turn on low voltage switch
Test machine, screen visibility
Complete reassembly of machine
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