Steam Valve & Wand Rebuild - Espresso Series (Video)
Espresso Series DVG Valve & Wand Rebuild
SLAYER recommends all service be performed by an experienced SLAYER Espresso trained technician. For a technician reference near you, please contact SLAYER Support at (206)-284-7171 (#1 in Directory) or email
Click the link below to watch a video on performing preventative maintenance on the steam valve and wand assembly?
Parts Needed:
- 46900-10010 Steam Valve Rebuild Kit (spring, crush washer, plunger w/ gasket)
- 46005-53110 Steam Seal, Peek Plastic
- 46005-53060 Bushing, 15 X 10.5mm Peek Plastic
- 46000-53050 O-Ring for Peek Steam Valve Bushing
- 46000-53090 O-Ring for Brass Steam Valve Pin
- 46000-53070 Gasket for Steam Valve Brew Actuator, 27mm, Teflon
- 6000-50030 O-Ring for Steam Tip, 1.5 x 6
Questions or concerns? Please contact
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