Preventative Maintenance and Cleaning Procedures, Steam X

Preventative Maintenance and Cleaning Procedures, Steam X

Preventative Maintenance (PM) Schedule

Steam X

Cleaning and Preventative Maintenance (PM): What is preventative maintenance and how does it differ from changing major parts?

Similar to changing the oil in your carPM is routine maintenance to ensure the that the machine is operating properly. These updates are replacing small parts (mainly gaskets) that will, over time and use, start to degrade. Major parts, covered under the 15 month warranty, are expected to work with minimal PM needed. PM’s are commonplace in all espresso machines and will increase the longevity of your machine.

Daily Cleaning*

  1. Remove group screen and soak in warm water, wipe clean. **

  2. Put 1/2 teaspoon (3 grams) espresso cleaner into blind portafilter***

  3. Insert portafilter into grouphead and activate brew cycle for 20 seconds. Let the group sit idle for 20 seconds.

  4. Activate the brew cycle for 5 seconds then deactivate of 5 seconds. Repeat this step 5 times.

  5. Deactivate the brew cycle, remove the portafilter and activate the brew cycle To flush the group head for 30 seconds

  6. With no cleaner in the blank portafilter, repeat step 3 and 4.  

  7. Replace group screen

* Cleaning the machine everyday will decrease the likelihood of issues and insures your coffee quality will remain high. Who could ask for more?

** Evaluate the screen for any dents, blemishes or flaking.

*** Using more than the recommended amount of cleaner can cause issues to the machine.

Quarterly PM = 1 hours or less.

Every 3 Month PM:

Step 1: Change gasket for group head
Gasket for Group head

Step 2: Evaluate Nano coated shower screens
Nano coated shower screen

Bi-Annual PM = 1-2 hours

6 Month PM:

Step 1: Drain Machine

Step 2: Change gasket for group head
Gasket for Group head

Step 3: Evaluate Nano coated shower screens
Nano coated shower screen

Step 4: Evaluate or rebuild steam wand
Steam wand assembly

Annual PM = 2 hours

12 Month PM:

Step 1: Drain machine

Step 2: Group actuator rebuild
Group Actuator Rebuild

Step 3: Replace level probe and anti-suction valve
Level Probe & Anti-Suction Valve

Step 4: Replace expansion valve
Expansion valve

Step 5: Rebuild Steam Wand Assembly

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