Preventative Maintenance & Cleaning Procedures - Steam Single

Preventative Maintenance & Cleaning Procedures - Steam Single

Preventative Maintenance (PM) Schedule - Steam Single

Preventative Maintenance (PM) is... preventative(!) and commonplace for all espresso machines regardless of make and model. Similar to changing the oil in your car. PM is comprised of replacing a dozen or so wearable components at key contact points and safety mechanisms to ensure your SLAYER Espresso Machine exceeds expectations day in and day out.  PM components (listed HERE) are wearable by nature and should be regarded as the first line of defense against requiring emergency technical support!

PM components are intended to be replaced annually on three, six, and twelve month intervals* and recommended (on the twelfth month) to be serviced by an experienced SLAYER trained technician. For a list of SLAYER technician references in your area: please contact or call 206 284 7171 (#1 in the Directory).

Additionally, maintaining your SLAYER results in great tasting espresso and unrivaled steam quality. Who could ask for more?!

*See Post Service Checklist & Resources Section for further details.

  1. SLAYER Preventative Maintenance Kits
    1. 46000-60010 - 125g SLAYER Cleaner

  1. Routine Backflush
    1. During backflush, inspect dispersion screen & screw for blemishes and faults.
  2. Wipe surfaces with clean microfiber cloth.
    1. Cosmetic Care Instructions
  3. Weekly: Wash water reservoir and drain tray.
    1. Do not place water reservoir or drain tray in dishwasher!
1.5g of SLAYER Espresso Cleaner is sufficient! 

Quarterly PM: Every 3 Months
Replace group gasket and inspect dispersion screen & screw.
  1. Replacing Group Head Gasket

3 Month PM Parts:
  1. 46000-56091 PORTAFILTER GASKET
Bi-Annual PM: Every Six Months
  1. Drain steam and brew tank.
  2. Replace group gasket and inspect dispersion screen & screw as instructed in Quarterly PM.
  3. Rebuild steam & hot water wand assemblies.
  4. Inspect steam tip and hot water spout for obstructions and scale build up.

6 Month PM Parts:
  1. 46000-50030 O RING FOR STEAM TIP, 1.5 X 6
  2. 46005-53110 STEAM SEAL
  3. 46005-53061 Wand Bushing
    1. 46000-53050 O-Ring for Valve Bushing
  4. 46000-53070 TEFLON GASKET 27MM
  5. 46000-56091 PORTAFILTER GASKET
AlertUsing only water as a lubricant, do not apply SLAYER Lube to Steam Seal, Wand Bushing, or wand ball joint interface. Introducing lube to the ball joint can cause wand flop.
 Annual PM: Every Twelve Months:
  1. Drain steam and brew tank.
  2. Replace group gasket and inspect dispersion screen & screw as instructed in Quarterly PM.
  3. Verify water against SLAYER's Water Treatment Requirements.
Pro Tip: During service and mechanical disassembly, clean and visually inspect machine for areas of concern or debris accumulation. Espresso machines tend to collect all matters of dust and coffee debris that can be troublesome down the road. A well maintained SLAYER is easier to service!
  1. Rebuild Steam & Hot Water wand assemblies as instructed in Bi-Annual PM.
  2. Group Actuator
    1. Step 4 details PM components.

  1. Vacuum Breaker, Pressure Relief Valve, and Level Probe.
    1. Apply several wraps of teflon tape to threads prior to installation.
      1. Do not forget copper crush washers!
Safely depressurize steam tank prior to removing preventative maintenance components!
  1. Expansion Valve
    1. Apply several wraps of teflon tape to threads prior to installation.
  2. Discharge Tubing
Expansion valves sold as a spare part or included in PM Kits may need to be calibrated. Please visit Calibrate Expansion Valve guide to correctly set valve.

*Group cap removed for illustration purposes. 

12 Month PM Parts:
  1. 46000-50030 O RING FOR STEAM TIP, 1.5 X 6
  2. 46005-53110 STEAM SEAL
  3. 46005-53061 Wand Bushing
    1. 46000-53050 O-Ring for Valve Bushing
  4. 46000-53070 TEFLON GASKET 27MM
  5. 46000-56091 PORTAFILTER GASKET
  8. 10000-16210 SPACER
  9. 42000-10170 EXPANSION VALVE,11 BAR, 1/8NPT IN X G1/8 OUT
  10. 40000 -32160 SILICONE RUBBER HOSE ID 6mm X OD 10mm
  11. 30000-50170 WATER LEVEL PROBE, STEAM / SINGLE GRP,103mm
  12. 46000-50150 GASKET , COPPER, FLAT, 19X13.5X1.5mm
  13. 46000-50400 CB PRV, 1.9 BAR
  14. 46000-50130 GASKET, COPPER ,FLAT, 22X17X1.5mm
  15. 46000-50140 VALVE, ANTI-SUCTION/VACUUM, 1/4"
Post Service Checklist & Resources:

SLAYER Preventative Maintenance Note: All SLAYER PM Guides and Kits are built around quarterly service. In general, this is suitable for home and commercial users alike. However, there are various factors which may increase service frequencies such as: cafe volume, water quality, environment, misuse, and disregard for regular service. SLAYER recommends evaluating these variables with a local service technician to curate an appropriate maintenance schedule to fit your needs.

After preventative maintenance service has been completed. SLAYER recommends the following tests once the machine has returned to set temperature and pressure. 

  1. Confirm no leaks are present and machine has safely reached set temperature and pressure.
  2. Verify brew pump pressure.
    1. Set rotary vane pump to 10 bars with a blank portafilter.
    2. Observable on brew gauge.
  3. Actuate contact points.
    1. Brew Actuator:
      1. Pre-Infusion, Full-Brew, and Post
    2. Steam & Hot Water Actuator:
      1. ON, OFF, and Dispense
  4. Dial in  and evaluate a few extractions in Manual and Automatic Mode.
  5. Verify water against SLAYER's Water Treatment Requirements.
  6. Log anomalies. 
  1. Steam Single User Manual
  2. Steam Single Parts Diagram
  3. Preventative Maintenance Kits
  4. Water Treatment Requirements
AlertSLAYER recommends all service be performed by an experienced SLAYER Espresso trained technician. For a technician reference near you, please contact SLAYER Support at (206)-284-7171 (#1 in Directory) or email

Questions or concerns? Please contact:

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